Footage circulating online today shows rapper Drake’s apparently furious response as a drone films him in his top-floor Sydney hotel room – but some fans have been left wondering if the whole thing is a set-up.

A 30-second clip doing the rounds on social media today appears to be shot via drone, and opens with a shot of a table on a luxury hotel room’s balcony, with a beverage and a laptop displaying a brightly coloured website.

Suddenly, rap superstar Drake – currently touring Australia and New Zealand on his Anita Max Win Tour – emerges from the hotel room, clocks the drone, and reaches for a shoe to throw at it.


Drake appeared to throw a shoe at the drone.

He misses, and the drone pulls back to reveal a wider view: Drake is staying in the top-floor penthouse suite at Sydney’s Crown Towers Barangaroo.

The rapper is definitely in town right now: he had two shows at Sydney’s Qudos Bank Arena earlier this week, and has another one scheduled for tonight.

But while the video at first seems like an invasion of privacy from a nosy fan or prankster, some wondered whether Drake was in on the stunt.

“This seems like an ad for like 5 different things,” one person noted on Reddit.

“The gambling site, Drake, The Drone, that hotel and the city it all looks lit as f***!”

Others agreed: “Definitely feel like this is an ad,” one person wrote, while another suggested that Drake stuffed up his throw “on purpose” so as not to damage the drone.

“Staged as if his acting skills need work,” wrote one person on social media.

And it seems they may be right: many on social media pinpointed the website Drake’s laptop was open to as evidence the drone stunt was staged with the rapper’s permission.

The website Drake was browsing? Online gambling platform Stake, a betting site that pays him a whopping $US100 million ($175m) a year to act as their celebrity spokesman.

Gotta earn that paycheque somehow.


“Bro Never Beating The Allegations”: Drake Is Getting Roasted After Throwing Slipper At Mysterious Drone That Flew Into His Australia Penthouse